Immunotherapeutics, a New Tool to Address Immune Related Illnesses

integraHEALTH is a private network established to study health information about a homeopathic preparation that supports humoral immunity.

Network members include public and private firms collaborating to examine a vital component of immune health discovered by university researchers called the Vitaletheine Modulators.

Health professionals practicing in multiple clinics will observe and capture symptom response data for researchers about the “indications of use” for a novel homeopathic preparation. This sub-nano pronutrient substance, has been homeopathically prepared for injectable administration by licensed medical professionals, and will be the subject of a homeopathic “proving” in humans.

This Proving will study an “integrative approach” to optimize humoral immune health for a wide range of syndromes and conditions including:

  • Humoral Immunity
  • Cholesterol Production
  • Glucose Metabolism

Proprietary nutraceutical formulations and selected dietary food supplements are being incorporated with dietary and lifestyle recommendations aimed at improving humoral immunity. Explore the website and decide if Immunotherapeutics is right for you.